Jay Wealth

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About Jay T. Wealth

Jay T. Wealth is an author who believes in experiencing and sharing the unconditional and unfailing love of the father, God, amid all humankind. He writes profoundly about spirituality, faith, liberty, life experiences, and lessons learned. Through biblical scripture and spiritual guidance, he has found a calling in proliferating the need for an individual relationship with the Creator, keeping a steady spiritual intimacy with God, personal growth, happiness, and peace. Over the years, he has touched so many lives and still helps people of all walks of life find their true purpose, connect with their spirituality, solidify their faith in the father and be the guiding light for others.

His latest book, Awaken: All Is One, among other things, is a search for our renewed relationship with the Creator, restoring humanity, finding the true purpose on Earth, and more.

Follow him on social media or his author’s website.

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Read our reader’s reviews. 

I purchased this book to enjoy the few precious moments during the day where I could sit and enjoy life, and I prefer to spend it with this book. It is uplifting and spiritual. I love it and would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know more about the Creator and their life’s purpose.

Alen K. 

This book has it all. Finally, after years of searching, I have finally found the answer I was searching for. Awaken is incredible. Every page, sentence, chapter, and word resounds with wisdom, knowledge, clarity, and pure consciousness.

Tiara M.

I highly recommend this book. This book helps you remember your greater self qualities. Reading it has helped me develop forgiveness, acceptance, and ultimately a lot of peace of mind. Definitely worth buying.

Eline L. 

The book was the best. Truly life-changing. It gave me the fuel to eagerly embrace this path that I am on, which takes me beyond where I have lived with friends and family. I love you for taking the time to write and share your insights as you have. Thank you.

Jakob H. 

There is so much truth in this book! Jay directly connects to the All-Knowing, The Creator, The One Intelligence! We are all one. We are connected to everything that exists. So read this book, allow love to shine through, and know that you are already good enough. You are love itself. 

Reed R.